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    本实用新型“便携单齿式胶粘带留头断带装置”,专利号:01271591.3, 属于胶粘带的切割装置。本实用新型启用一种单齿断带装置,利用胶带破口易裂开的特性, 达到轻便、整齐的断带效果, 并且留有方便拾取的胶带头。结构简单,体积小巧,能与胶粘带圈套在一起,使用方便,易于携带。操作时,左手拇指及食指捏住两侧面,中指伸入胶粘带圈内做旋转轴,右手拉伸、切断胶粘带。

Portable mono-tooth adhesive tape cutter with terminal keeper
This patent (Patent No. 01271591.3) belongs to adhesive tape cutter. The cutter can be interlinked with the circle of adhesive tape, making it portable with the tape. It has a step-like head with two surfaces so that half of the end of the tape sticks on the upper surface as terminal keeper, and the other half hangs over the lower surface for lifting the end of the tape. There is only one cutting tooth on the upper surface of the head, which suffices to cut the tape.
The patented adhesive tape cutter is simple in design, easy to produce and handy for use. Owing to the fact there are 200 million students and 100 million office workers in China who are the intended users of the patented tape cutter, this patent undoubtedly has a promising market potential. The cost for each tape cutter is no greater than 0.5 yuan and the selling price can be 2 yuan, therefore this patent would be much profitable.
Contact: Mr. Zhang Haiping  Mobile:13714681632   Email: zhanghaipinghf@sina.com.cn

专利种类: 实用新型
申请日: 2001/12/29
法律状况: 已授权
专利号: 01271591.3
技术报价: 20万
转让方式: 普通许可 独占许可 排他许可 技术入股 专利权转让
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